
Comefrom0x10 programs can receive input from all the normal places, standard input, files and the command line.

Command-line arguments

The global argv stores command-line arguments to Cf0x10 programs. This example echoes its command line arguments:

# In the file echo.cf0x10

Invoked thus:

cf0x10 echo.cf0x10 hello world

Prints hello world.

Standard input

This example prompts for input from the user and exits when the user enters a blank line:

    comefrom echo
    'Type something: '...
    stdin = ''

    comefrom stdin if stdin
    'You typed "' stdin '"'

    # jumps back to prompt

Input is blocking and line-buffered. Changing the stdin global causes the program to wait for input, so it actually pauses at the line stdin = '', until stdin is set.

Each line automatically gets its trailing newline dropped (automatically chomped, in Perl-speak).

End-of-file (EOF) sets stdin to undefined, so a Cf0x10 program can trivially detect the end of piped input.


Setting the read_path global causes a read from the given path, whose contents will be stored in the file global. This cat program reads a single file and prints its contents to standard out:

read_path = argv

Setting the write_path global causes the contents of the file global to be written to write_path. This program writes “Hello, world” to a path given on the command line:

file = 'Hello, world'
write_path = argv

Because Cf0x10 has no binary data type, files are always encoded and decoded as UTF-8.